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Noviembre 2017 Newsletter Promoci�n social
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1 Noticia 1
2 Noticia 2
3 Noticia 3
4 Noticia 4
5 Noticia 5
1. La Fundaci�n renueva su identidad corporativa y estrena nueva web
Fundaci�n Promoci�n Social de la Cultura (FPSC) ahora es Fundaci�n Promoci�n Social
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2. Esta Navidad ayuda a la mujer de Oriente Medio a construir su futuro
Promoci�n Social apoya con su campa�a de Navidad la sostenibilidad del centro Nawras, en L�bano
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3. Fundaci�n Promoci�n Social presenta su proyecto Youth Mun Madrid (YMM)
Debate entre j�venes de temas de orden mundial, simulando el modelo de Naciones Unidas
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4. La Fundaci�n asiste al almuerzo ofrecido por S.M. los Reyes de Espa�a al Presidente de Palestina Mahmud Abbas
La invitaci�n es un reconocimiento a su trabajo ininterrumpido de cooperaci�n y su presencia en Palestina desde hace m�s de veinte a�os
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5. Desarrollo rural en Cisjordania: inauguraci�n de la planta de compostaje en Azzoun
La instalaci�n est� destinada al reciclaje de residuos org�nicos mediante un tratamiento biol�gico para producir un compost o abono org�nico
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Nawras: oportunidades de futuro para la mujer de Oriente Medio Colabora Colabora
Fundaci�n Promoci�n Social
Huertas, 71, 5� Drcha � 28014 Madrid
Tel�fono +34 91 344 01 76 � Fax +34 091 344 03 66
[email protected]
De conformidad con lo establecido en la Ley Org�nica 15/1999 los datos facilitados ser�n incorporados al fichero de la Fundaci�n Promoci�n Social para informarle sobre la entidad y su actividad. Usted tiene derecho a ejercer los derechos de acceso y rectificaci�n en cualquier momento, dirigi�ndose a: [email protected] o a la direcci�n postal C/Huertas n�71, 5�Dcha., 20814. Madrid. Asimismo, Usted tiene derecho a ejercer los derechos de oposici�n o cancelaci�n a trav�s de este enlace
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1 Noticia 1
2 Noticia 2
3 Noticia 3
4 Noticia 4
5 Noticia 5
1. The Foundation renovates its corporate identity and launches new website
Foundation for the Social Promotion of Culture (FPSC) now is Social Promotion Foundation
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2. This Christmas, help the woman of the Middle East to build her future
Social Promotion Foundation launches this campaign to collaborate with the sustainability of Nawras, in Lebanon
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3. Social Promotion Foundation presents its YOUTH MUN MADRID (YMM) project
Debate among young people of world order issues simulating the different organs of the United Nations
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4. Social Promotion Foundation was present at the lunch offered by S.M. the King and Queen of Spain to the President of Palestine, Mahmud Abbas
The invitation is a recognition for the continued work in cooperation and the presence of the Foundation in Palestine for more than twenty years
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5. Rural development in the West Bank: Inauguration of the composting plant in Azzoun
This facility is intended for the recycling of organic waste through a biological treatment to produce a compost or organic fertilizer
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Fundaci�n Promoci�n Social
Huertas, 71, 5� Drcha � 28014 Madrid
Tel�fono +34 91 344 01 76 � Fax +34 091 344 03 66
[email protected]
In accordance with the provisions of Law 15/1999, the data provided will be incorporated into the file of the Foundation for Social Promotion of Culture for information on the entity and its activity. You are entitled to exercise rights of access and correction at any time by writing to: [email protected] or postal address C / Huertas n � 71, 5 � Dcha, 20814. Madrid. You are additionally entitled to exercise the right of refusal or cancellation through this link.
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